冬の北海道の暮らし(life in Hokkaido in winter)
When I first came to Hokkaido in winter, I was not used to snow, so I kept falling down.There is a problem with shoes that slip, but it took me a while to realize that there was a problem with the way I walked before that.The trick is to walk without stepping on it.When I was conscious of that, I fell less.However, if you are careless, you may fall down a lot, so you need to be cautious.I didn’t know anything about winter tires (spike tires at that time), winter wiper blades, water shutters, etc.(I’ll summarize the details later.) There are many things you can enjoy in Hokkaido because it’s cold.There are many winter activities such as skiing, snowboarding, skating, fishing for magpies on ice and snowshoes.”Snow Festival and Ice Festival” and other winter events are being held in various places to enjoy the cold.Come on, winter is the best time to go out!
冬の準備(winter preparation)
- 冬タイヤ交換(11月前後雪の降る前に)同時に冬用ワイパーブレード交換
- ブラックアイスでの危険性もあるので早めの交換が必要
- 庭の鉢、テーブルなどを片付け
- 破損の防止、除雪の邪魔にならないため
- 備蓄品の点検
- 冬だけではないですが、特に冬ブリザードなとで閉じ込められた時にサバイバルする為
- スキー、スノボ
- スケート
- わかさぎ釣り